Analysis Part 2

This photo’s subject is the objects of hotel room 47. I see the objects in their rooms, a twin bed, shoes, balloons, missing shoes, their bathroom, their messy bed etc. This was taken in 1981, and the backgrounds are generally plain, although you can tell that it is a hotel room and the subject is clear and distinctive, like the picture on the top right corner with the subject being the pieced together photos. The person (s) being described in the picture are pretty messy people, with the unmade bed and the missing slipper, the postcards show that they were either writing to or receiving letters from someone, and the packed suitcases show that they were planning to leave soon. Obviously, the situation is that the person(s) are traveling and this is the hotel room they were living in, it gives us a historical context of what 1981 hotel rooms were like and the condition of which a person lived in a hotel room. The photographer’s point of view is usually above the subject or eye-level to the subjects, my eyes are immediately drawn to the white subjects in the black and white photographs since the white is more catching, there are not a lot of lines but the pattern is mostly always that there are one or many subjects that she focuses on and it is one part of a room. The lighting usually draws our attention to the subject, like the bottom right corner, the lighting draws our eyes to the limp balloon that the guests left behind (according to the journal entry Calle included). The subject is always in focus, although you can see the background quite clearly as well. The subject almost always catches my eye, like the middle picture, I always focus on the black slippers because of how bright the white is in the picture, the white always stands out and that is another pattern in her photos. This picture makes me feel curious about the residents and it makes me think of who the guests are and why were they travelling, where would they go next, etc, I think the college makes it easy for me to feel curious because it creates a sense of mystery. I think that Calle wanted to express that you can understand someone just by looking at their belongings and that is something I want to do with my experiments, and show that horse riding is hard work, not only the sport but taking care of the horses as well.




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